By John’s Brothers
By John’s Brothers
When John first told me he had put together a book about his car wreck a flood of memories came back to me though it happened over forty years ago.
I remember people taking time out of their busy schedule to help me get from my college town (one hour away) to the hospital. I remember how bad my youngest brother looked in that hospital bed, yet how alert his mind was to the people around him, though his eyes were swollen shut from the car wreck. I remember how it was certainly a defining life or death time in his life that moved the whole family.
I am pleased that John has now told his story of the events that occurred related to this accident, so that many may also be ‘encouraged by the light’.
Joe Edwards, Jr.
Ft. Smith, Arkansas
August, 2009
I parked the car in the hospital parking lot and noticed a couple, friends of my parents, talking near their car. As I approached them it was obvious they had been crying. I was afraid John’s condition had worsened or even that we had lost him.
“No”, they explained. “It is your parents, how they are so strong in the middle of such a tragedy. Where do they get such strength and faith? We asked them and they said, ‘It is all God’s grace. If we are strong, it is His strength that is making us look strong. He is supplying everything we need right now’.”
“It is all God’s grace”. That’s so true of everything about John’s story. We have a God Who is so eager to make sure we experience His love. He doesn’t want us to live in hopelessness and despair but to find our purpose in Him. This amazing story about our amazing God and His revelation to my younger brother, John Edwards, is all about God’s grace and the revelation of His love in some very unusual ways.
I pray that as you read this true account you will be inspired by God’s creative revelation and that you, too, will be “encouraged by the Light”.
Thomas G. Edwards
Ft. Thornton, Colorado
August 6, 2009